Health and Safety are at the core of how we operate.
Our Health & Safety Policy
Black Gold’s Health and Safety Policy is a comprehensive program that addresses Hazard Identification and Assessment, Hazard Control, Training, Emergency Response, Incident Reporting and Investigation, and Communication.
Our inspectors are well-versed in our instructions and guidelines, and are thorough when it comes to ensuring co-workers and contract personnel abide by our policies.
In addition to work specific safety management, our manual addresses work environment issues which include (but are not limited to):
a Fatigue Management Policy which ensures our employees are fit for duty at all times;
a Substance Abuse Policy which adheres to a strict zero tolerance policy with respect to the possession and/or consumption of alcohol and/or illicit drugs, or the misuse of prescription or “over the counter” drugs;
a Harassment Policy which provides for a work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity and ensures each individual has the right to work in a professional workplace that promotes equality of opportunity and that prohibits discriminatory practices or remarks;
a Computer and Electronic Use Policy which outlines appropriate and allowable uses of electronic devices.
When only the best will do...
Our vetting standards are comprehensive and methodical. They have to be.
Because we only send the best qualified people to your job site.
All of our inspections service professionals successfully undergo the Black Gold pre-screening process, so they are fully qualified, trained, and ready to work for you whenever and wherever you need them:
Certifications validated
Tickets verified
At least 2 (two) past supervisory references investigated
Drug Report checked
Motor Vehicle Report checked
Strengths, experience, expertise evaluated
Our People
We recognize our leadership role, so we seek every reasonable means to provide a safe work environment for all workers, contractors, suppliers, and the public at large.
To be a Black Gold inspector, a pro-active attitude
and diligent approach is mandatory.
We rigorously implement all Federal/Provincial Regulations and Codes, aggressively scrutinize client safety requirements, analyze, manage and communicate risks, propose corrective actions and solutions, and stop work if imminent safety issues need to be addressed.This ensures risks are mitigated and all work is performed in a safe, environmentally acceptable fashion and in accordance with approved design and specifications.
We employ competent personnel who are equipped to
complete their jobs in a safe manner.
Black Gold inspectors implement best practices and administer procedures that meet or exceed regulatory and recognized industry standards. They accomplish this by exercising sound judgment, maintaining a high level of safety awareness, applying all of our education and training, and understanding the scope of the task and the hazards involved. To that end, you are provided with certificates and other evidence to ensure our inspectors are appropriately trained and experienced for the nature of the work being conducted.
Our inspectors are responsible for all source inspection activities on site and ensure accurate and timely documentation regarding work permits, hazard assessments, and the necessary checklists and required supporting data are supplied. They follow all project communication and execution guidelines and provide support and assistance to your onsite safety and engineering personnel.

What’s at stake?
The protection of all workers and nearby communities, along with the environment.
Not only do we adhere to our clients’ health, safety and environmental standards while we are conducting our work at their sites, we have our own stringent internal HSE policies which must be strictly adhered to by our personnel at all times.
Black Gold received Safety Awards in May 2016.
Black Gold was honored to receive Kinder Morgan's Safety performance award in May 2016. This is a great accomplishment with only 5 out of 1900 companies were recognized for their safety and received the Safety Performance award.

Injury prevention and the development of effective workplace health and safety management systems go hand-in-hand with continuous training and upgrading to meet and exceed industry regulatory standards. We are proud to be members in good standing of the leading workplace safety organizations, and to be recognized for our outstanding safety protocol.
Registrations and Memberships
AASP (Alberta Association for Safety Partnership)